Find your talisman before it vanishes

It’s official – Art14 rocks. You just had to step inside the throng of buyers, dealers and artists all bopping their way into the main hall at Olympia to the sound of happy house to feel it. Everyone was th...

The winning light

  Chris Levine is a light artist, otherwise known as the Golden Boy for his intuitive Midas touch that both illuminates his subjects and captures their essential glow. Recognised for his pioneering ...

Many hands make light work

What do you get when you cross an engineer with an art director and a photographer? Oh, and some furniture designers and a few industrial engineers? Haberdashery is the fruit of such a cocktail, a multi-...

One moment – now

“When in broad daylight I open my eyes, it is not in my power to choose whether I shall see or no, or to determine what particular objects shall present themselves to my view; and so likewise as to the hearin...