Glass celebrates World Elephant Day

SATURDAY August 12, 2017 marks the sixth annual World Elephant Day, designated to heighten global awareness of elephants’ plight for survival in the face of illegal poaching, illicit trading of wildlife products, habitat loss and human-elephant conflict. Elephants are disappearing from the wild at an alarming rate and, unbelievably, face the risk of becoming extinct within our lifetime.

World Elephant DayWorld Elephant Day badge

In addition, there is the global problem of young elephants being removed from their families for use in the tourism and entertainment sectors. Approximately 33,000 African elephants are slaughtered each year to supply the illegal ivory trade, and there are only 40,000 Asian elephants left in the world.


Elephants Returned to the WildElephants returning to the wild

The co-founder of World Elephant Day and President of World Elephant Society, Patricia Sims explains, “World Elephant Day supporters can take action in many ways, locally and globally, to help protect elephants from the numerous devastating impacts that threaten their survival. On World Elephant Day, August 12 and beyond, we encourage individuals and organisations worldwide to take action, to spread awareness, and to share effective ways to help save and protect elephants, and to support the many commendable elephant conservation initiatives.

“World Elephant Day is a rallying call for people to support organizations that are working to stop the illegal poaching and trade of elephant ivory and other wildlife products, to protect wild elephant habitat, and to provide sanctuaries and alternative habitats for domesticated elephants to live freely.”

by Amanda Bernstein

For further information, visit World Elephant Day

Images: courtesy of Patricia Sims

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